Empowering Communities with the Power of Knowledge

Make informed choices today for a healthier tomorrow.

aboutus test

Who Are We?

Therizon is the exciting clinical arm of Genetrack Biolabs, one of the oldest DNA laboratories in North America. Founded in 1999 prior to the dawn of the genomics era, Genetrack has been trusted by experts to provide the most comprehensive and reliable genetic testing services for government, hospitals, and individuals for over 20 years. As a CAP/CLIA facility with ISO17025 certification for over a decade, Genetrack has the experience and infrastructure to bring precision medicine to the forefront of the healthcare system through Therizon.

Our Vision

Therizon is the exciting clinical arm of Genetrack Biolabs, one of the oldest DNA laboratories in North America. Founded in 1999 prior to the dawn of the genomics era, Genetrack has been trusted by experts to provide the most comprehensive and reliable genetic testing services for government, hospitals, and individuals for over 20 years. As a CAP/CLIA facility with ISO17025 certification for over a decade, Genetrack has the experience and infrastructure to bring precision medicine to the forefront of the healthcare system through Therizon.

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Making at-home health testing accessible & available to everyone

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Bringing genetic testing to the fore-front of personalized medicine

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Transforming lives through empowerment and knowledge

quote mark1 Treatment without prevention is simply unsustainable. quote mark2

– Bill Gates

Our Laboratory Accreditations

AABB RT Logo Stacked Color
cap logo e1669921218226
logos CLIA
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